My admiration for Josiah NG


Recovery posts, My admiration for Josiah NG, my Malaysian friend, he has 14 years in high level, saying certain words very well, and he almost wins keirin in the 2013 Adelaide Sprint GP.

“People who cheat in Sport are taking out a mortgage on their health and life. It will eventually catch up with them and they will pay the ultimate price. I compete pure. and even though my wins are rare, when they do happen I cherish them. No performance enhancing drug can ever replicate that feeling of pure victory!”

Josiah NG

“”Las personas que hacen trampa en el deporte están llevando a cabo una hipoteca sobre su salud y su vida. Con el tiempo se pondrá al día con ellos y van a pagar el precio más alto. Compito puro. y a pesar de que mis triunfos son poco frecuentes, cuando ocurren los aprecio más. la mejora del rendimiento con drogas nunca puede replicar esa sensación de victoria pura! “

Josiah NG

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